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i he lived in china for a couple of years now, and he a long term serious relationship with a chinese girl. however, we are not married. i’m from holland, and in europe we think different about marriage; my parents never got married, but had two kids. in holland, i used to be in a relationship for 12 years, and i didn’t get married. we both didn’t want to. most of my (32 year old) friends in holland are not married, even though they might he children.

new chinese friends i meet often don’t understand. for them, marriage is so important!

i think that the difference comes from a few things. first is the society. in china, if you don’t he a job, and don’t he a n广告ork to help you, you he a big problem. maybe you should even beg on the street! in holland, if you are a man or a woman, if you don’t he money, the government will help you and make sure you he enough money for food, a house and clothes. so, you don’t need to be married for safety; you are in a relationship because you love each other, but safety (money and resources) are not the main reason.

the main reason is love. but, love can also change. maybe you are in love with someone right now, but in 10 years, you will both he changed. we think that to stay together, only because you are married, is not a good idea; you stay together because you want to, and you need to marriage paper for that!

also, we believe very strongly that you should get married to someone you really like. but, if you get married to your first or second girlfriend, how do you know what kind of boyfriend/girlfriend you like? in holland, we think that you should he some experience before you??get married. then, you really know that this person is someone you want to stay with.

finally, we don’t he a one-child policy. in china, you need a marriage for your child to get a hukoubar, but we don’t he this in holland. a lot of people are not together anymore, but raise a child anyway.

all in all, we he a lot of different reasons to not get married. we think love is the most important, and the papers are second. that does not mean we are not serious! however, a marriage can also end in a divorce, and whether you are married or not, you he to fight for your relationship.

my girlfriend has lived in america for five years. she has seen how marriage is in the west, and wants to get married, but it’s not so important to her. we talk a lot about it, and she also w




rences in understanding come from a couple of reasons. firstly social security: in china if you don’t have a job or connections to help you, you may be in serious trouble and end up on the streets. in holland, whether you are a man or a woman, if you don’t have money, the government will help you to ensure that you have food, housing, and clothes. so people don’t need to get married just to feel secure. being together is because of love, not because of any other reasons such as money.

although love is the main reason, feelings can change, you may love someone now, but in 10 years, both people’s feelings may have changed. we think it would be unwise to stay together because of marriage. being together because we want to be together, not because of a piece of paper that says we are married.

of course, we also support when two people who truly love each other get married. but if you get married to your first or second boyfriend or girlfriend, how do you know the type you like? in holland, we think you should experience more and then get married so you truly know who you want to be with.

finally, we don’t have a one-child policy. in china, if you want a child, you must get married, but in holland, many people have children without being married.

in summary, we have many reasons why we don’t get married. we believe that true love is the most important thing, a marriage license is secondary. this doesn’t mean we don’t take love seriously, we are just aware that marriage can also lead to divorce, so whether or not you’re married, you still have to fight for love.

my girlfriend has lived in america for five years, so she understands western views on marriage, but she still wants to get married. we often talk about this topic, and she says she still wants to get married. i’ve met her parents, and they want to “test” me for a while before considering marriage because they just want their daughter to be happy. i hope to pass the test… i will still marry her, she is chinese, if we want kids, we have to get married, and if we want to go back to holland, it’s also difficult without being married. but we certainly won’t marry just because we have to.
