


我:For now this is the only method to deal with this problemwe had this situation before and they did as we told,just need to put more silicon sealant will be good to resist the water intake.

We suggest to he a try,however lights like this hey is much cost for delivery for both of us.hope you understand.

客户:I think this is unacceptable, Warranty repairs shouldnt be conducted by the buyer this is the responsibility of the seller. I will not pull apart a Light bar and replace parts as Iam not qaulified to do so, if this is not done properly the light bar may be completly broken and this will cost me more money. I will only accept new light bars, as i said im happy to pay the 250 dollars for the postage.


我:Sorry to keep you wait for long.

If you post it back on your expense,we accept to ship the replacement with your next order,how do you think?

I'v already done my best,hope your understanding.

客户I'm sorry James but I he been a loyal customer and he spent thousands of dollars with you guys and I feel I hen't been valued. If you guys can't back your products with a worthy warranty than I'm sorry but I will he to take my business else where. Like I said I'm

Happy to pay the postage to get the new light bars here

我:Please don't be annoyed.

What i said previously is we need to take the problematic light back,then get you a new one.

Also,we send it with your order,don't you think this will be okay?

What is your suggestion for it,please let me know.

We do value you as we had business so long time.

客户:I would just like the replacement light bars put in with my next order to oid any confusion, the cost of sending these broken ones to you guys is unviable..

疑问是“the cost of sending these broken ones to you guys is unviable..”? ?究竟客户是退回来运费承担呢还是不承担?







